Empowering Foster Youth to Excel in Life






In the U.S. a child enters foster care every 2 minutes, joining over 400,000 currently in care. Most children enter with nothing but the clothes on their backs – no change of clothes, no shoes, no toys, no toiletries or pictures. Nothing that makes them feel safe. Nothing that is theirs alone. They leave behind much else that is familiar: they may have to change schools, leaving their classmates, friends, neighbors, and teachers. These abrupt changes add to the loss they already feel at being separated from family in a crisis.

Fostering LIFE is an organization dedicated to meeting not just the physical but social, developmental, and educational needs of youth in the foster care system. Our programs focus on providing essential tools, resources, and support to develop confident, self-sufficient youth on their journey to become successful adults.

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Fostering Life

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Discover how Fostering LIFE’s resources, academic support, leadership development, and fiscal support of extracurricular activities provide support for foster youth to excel.

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Upcoming Events

Check out Fostering LIFE’s upcoming events created to change the trajectory of youth in foster care and leave them feeling empowered to excel in LIFE.

 Giving Can Be Simple


Empower youth to excel in LIFE by giving to our causes today. Even the smallest of donations can help make a lasting impression in the lives of youth in care.


“Growing up in foster care wasn’t the best experience for me, but it was definitely more bearable knowing that I had a constant support system from the day I entered at five years old until I aged out at 18. Too many times, children and youth in foster care are stigmatized because they are in the system. Oftentimes, they are discouraged from participating in extracurricular activities and encouraged to graduate on the minimum plan, which leads to several barriers. However, I consider myself truly blessed because my foster parents, community personnel, teachers, mentors, and so many other advocates refused to allow my status as a child in foster care to prevent me from being successful.”

— A former foster youth of the Texas foster care system


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 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11