How We Help children in care
The programs offered by Fostering LIFE provide direct support for foster youth to encourage academic achievement and goal setting. We work with foster agencies, volunteers, corporations, and other partners to help ease the transition into care for many youths. At-minimum ensuring that every youth has the necessary undergarments, toiletries, and basic necessities and access to mentors with a focus on supporting academic success, developing necessary life-skills, and empowering young leaders. We provide resources for youth to participate in activities that promote social, emotional, cognitive, and leadership development while building character and encouraging kids to be kids!
Our goal is to help make childhood meaningful while creating a support system that creates optimistic futures for youth.
Roschanda Fletcher
After having been raised with foster youth as a kid and later becoming a foster mom to numerous foster kids, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles that youth face once entered into the foster care system — from a lack of clothes and shoes to being stereotyped and labeled with negative connotations for being a “foster child.” The stats pertaining to the outcomes of youth in care are anything but uplifting. The mere idea of this is disheartening and inspired me to do what I can to help foster youth feel loved, supported, and encouraged to beat the statistics and become successful adults.
Fostering LIFE was founded with one goal in mind: to encourage foster youth to dream big and achieve their dreams. I believe that developing educated, self-sufficient leaders is critical to ensuring foster youth success upon transition out of care. These concepts are the pillars to which Fostering LIFE was built.
The Bible says we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength and that God knows the plans he has for us: to give us prosperity, hope, and a future. It is my goal to ensure that every foster child we encounter recognizes their greatness and feels empowered to excel beyond the limitations of their current situation.

Our MIssion
Empowering Foster Youth to Excel in LIFE.
Our Vision
We envision and strive to create a world in which foster youth have the opportunities and support needed to set, pursue, and achieve their desired goals.
Our Priorities
At our core we strive to ensure that all youth thrive in the areas of leadership, independence, faith and education. It is our belief that once a child is equipped with the necessary skills to conquer LIFE then there is limitless possibilities.
Our goal is to ensure that kids of all backgrounds have the resources needed to excel beyond the limitations of their current situations. In order to do this we recognize there are multiple factors that influence a child’s success outcome and we aim to reduce those limiting factors as much as possible by:
ensuring that all youth in care have suitable bags for their belongings and basic necessities
providing academic support for youth
encouraging and supporting the participation of youth in various age-appropriate developmental opportunities
promoting confidence, self-empowerment, and self-sufficiency for youth through leadership development and life-skills coaching
providing education, training, and support to foster parents and caregivers
Click here to see how we address our priorities!

Giving Can Be Simple
Empower youth to excel in LIFE by giving to our causes today. Even the smallest of donations can help make a lasting impression in the lives of youth in care.
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Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight. - Proverbs 3: 5-6