
Supporting our mission is easy

Donating new items, volunteering time, or providing funding all help us to provide the resources and support necessary to build confidence and create hope for youth in care.

Donation Suggestions


Sponsor a duffle bag filled with basic necessities


Support a youth’s participation in developmental or extracurricular activities


Contribute to our gift cards for grades program or achievement scholarship fund for graduating youth


Help us reach our long-term strategic initiative of meeting the needs of youth placed into care


Donating is easy whether you have a single item or a large donation. We are always in need of items from our Amazon Wishlist to sustain our ability to meet the needs of kids entering care.


Supporting Fostering LIFE is as simple as shopping with Amazon via and allowing Amazon to donate a portion of all sales to the organization.

Backpack Drive - Troup Co.- 3.JPG

Host A Drive

Hosting a drive is a fun and easy way to bring family, friends, and/or colleagues together to help more kids. Helping is easy, simply focus on one of our key initiatives: Fresh Start Totes, Back to School Supplies, Birthday Boxes, Gift Cards for Grades, etc, collect supplies and contact us when ready for pickup.


Corporate Donations

For companies looking to donate a large quantity of items, creating a community donation program, or have excess inventory, we would love to work with you.

 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7